What is the weirdest job youʼve ever held?
I had a short stint as a clothing stylist. Strangely enough proportion, material, fit, contrast and construction have a place in designing believable characters.
What is your favorite all-time game?
Tekken Tag Tournament. Many quarters were lost mastering that game in the arcade.
What games are you playing right now?
Mario Kart 64. An oldie but a goodie, and somehow it still holds the same fun factor as it did when I was a kid!
What motivated you to begin working in the game industry?
Message boards like conceptart.org and Star Wars art books fueled my sketchbooks in high school.
What inspires you?
Traveling and new experiences
What is your proudest achievement?
Being able to give advice and encouragement to aspiring concept artists and illustrators
What piques your curiosity?
Moving imagery, product design, architecture and great storytelling
What is your hidden talent?
I am a master in the hand slap game. Care to duel?
What is the best thing about working at Schell Games?
Schell encourages you to grow as an artist by participating in workshops, conventions and classes.
What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
I havenʼt owned a TV in over 5 years; itʼs encouraged me to get out of the house and explore!
See more art at www.RyanYee.com.