What is the weirdest job youʼve ever held?
I was a banquet waiter for exactly two events one summer in high school. I think the cheap tux I had to buy cost more than I ended up earning.
What is your favorite all-time game?
Iʼm going to go with TimeSplitters 2 for the Gamecube. Iʼm not a big shooter fan normally but this game has an incredible sense of humor and provided some of the most fun couch co-op moments of my life. I still play with my friends from high school when we get together.
What games are you playing right now?
Right now Iʼm playing Heroes of the Storm, Hearthstone, Starboundand the delightful LEGO Jurassic Park.
What motivated you to begin working in the game industry?
My dad introduced me to games at a very young age on his Atari 2600, and I was hooked. I pretended to faint when I got an NES for Christmas. The whole deal. I developed a unique collection of strange talents that I eventually found could be put to good use making the very things I loved.

What inspires you?
Getting to see people engaging with a great game for the first time is something I find inspirational. You get to see the unfiltered wonder that a game can bring, and learn a lot about how to capture that.
What is your proudest achievement?
I am most proud of a game I worked on in my graduate program called Battlelines. In just 3 weeks, we made a multi-player competitive platform game that 12 people could play at once. Our end of semester showcase was a euphoric evening of getting to share our game with hundreds of guests. My team and I still get asked about that game by some of its biggest fans.
What piques your curiosity?
The mind. I have always had a fascination with exactly what makes people tick. I think you definitely need to know a bit about human nature if you are going to entertain people.
What is your hidden talent?
Probably my Barack Obama impression. I also make all manner of other fun voices and sounds. I once sang a Christmas song as a ferret made of ink.
What is the best thing about working at Schell Games?
For me, itʼs the open and encouraging atmosphere that really allows you to make things happen for yourself. Events, celebrations, seminars and talks are all opportunities to share, connect and develop a positive reputation within the studio.
What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
I have a profound fondness for the music of pop legends, Hall & Oates. (no relation, sadly)
How long have you worked at Schell Games?
I started at Schell Games as an intern in the summer of 2013, so two awesome years.